Facebook Shopping Ads

Drive sales on Facebook

Unlock the true potential of Facebook Shopping Ads, where digital marketing meets limitless possibilities. With Facebook Shopping Ads, your business gains an unprecedented edge in connecting with your audience at every stage of their online journey.

  • Endless Reach: Facebooks global advertising audience is over 2.2 billion people
  • Higher CTR: Facebook ads achieve an average of 1.33% CTR
  • Impressive ROI: On average, business earn $2 for every $1 spent on Facebook Ads
  • Remarketing Power: Remarketing ads increase conversions by up to 70%
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Shopping campaigns for your marketing team

Facebook Advertising Agency Brisbane

Why Advertise With Facebook?

Facebook Ads transcend traditional advertising; they seamlessly integrate with the fabric of everyday interactions. These ads become a natural part of users’ online journeys, appearing when and where they’re most relevant, making them not just advertisements but meaningful touch points in the digital experience.

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meta technologies

Facebook Advertising

  • Collaborate with Facebook ad specialists to create tailored campaigns for your business
  • Explore new customer segments with precise targeting options
  • Automate product catalog integration for seamless updates
  • Implement retargeting campaigns to re-engage previous website visitors
  • A/B test ad variations to find the most effective strategies
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People that you can reach with Facebook ads
Increase in conversions with remarketing ads
Average Click-Through Rate for Facebook ads

Accomplish your advertising goals with Facebook Shopping Ads

Advantage + Shopping Campaigns
carousel ads

Machine Learning Campaigns

  • Advantage+ shopping campaigns use machine learning to automatically optimise your ads.
  • Understand your data, what works and what doesn’t, which can help in refining overall marketing strategies.
  • By showing users products that are more aligned with their interests and search history, Advantage+ shopping campaigns improve the user experience.
Precise Targeting

Targeted Audience Reach

  • Target users based on demographics like age, gender, location, and interests.
  • Explore the power of behavioural targeting, allowing you to reach users based on their online behaviours and activities.
  • Discover how to create custom audiences by uploading your customer lists or using website visitor data.
Effectively retarget previous website visitors

Remarketing Strategies

  • Learn how to target users who abandoned their shopping carts, encouraging them to complete the purchase.
  • Implement dynamic product ads to automatically show the most relevant products to users who have previously interacted with your website or app.
  • Understand the customer journey and use remarketing to guide users through different stages, from awareness to conversion.
Instagram Ads
instagram ads

Reach Multiple Platforms

  • Instagram ads are essential for building brand awareness, being the fifth most visited website worldwide.
  • Achieve higher engagement. Instagram has been voted the #1 platform for people to keep up with their favourite brands.
  • Dive into performance metrics to gain insights into what's working and make data-driven adjustments to your ad strategy.
A/B Testing for Results
certain cta

Testing for Triumph

  • Test different ad copy variations to determine which messaging resonates most effectively with your audience.
  • Experiment with various images and videos to discover which visuals drive higher engagement and conversions.
  • Test different call-to-action buttons and placements to encourage desired actions from your audience.

BFJ Digital is trusted by

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How we build Facebook Shopping Campaigns



First, we work with you to understand your audience and what you want to tell them on Facebook



We'll then develop a campaign strategy that distills your brand messages into snappy, click-worthy advertisements.


Produce Facebook Ads

We'll make sure those ads are reaching the right people.



Gain a deep understanding of your advertising's impact through comprehensive performance metrics.



Let data guide your strategy as we track your campaign's progress.

Create Ad Campaigns

Achieve your business goals with Facebook

• Boost visability
• Drive revenue
• Manage your budget

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ad preferences

Build an Instagram Ads Campaign

Discover the power of Instagram ads

Build multi-platform campaigns with BFJ Digital. Take advantage of curated formats to create engaging Instagram ads to kick your business goals and deeply understand performance with insights. Learning what works and what needs improvement, is crucial to the success of your campaigns.

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instagram shopping ads

Build a Facebook Ads Campaign

Work with BFJ to setup your Facebook campaign

In charge of an e-commerce powerhouse, exploring enticing product opportunities, or motivated to leverage Facebook Ads for sales? Let us guide you through launching and nurturing a prosperous ad campaign.

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meta products

Our Partners

Google Partner
Salesforce Partner
Meta Business Partner
Display & Video 360 Partners
Hubspot Partners
WordPress Partners
zoho crm brisbane
Shopify Partners
Google Campaign manager Partners
Vision 6 Partners
Vercel Partners

Start selling on Facebook today

Book a free session and enhance your Facebook Ads strategy. Elevate your online impact, drive sales, and optimise your campaigns with our expert guidance.

  • Collaborate with Facebook ad specialists to create tailored campaigns for your business
  • Explore new customer segments with precise targeting options
  • Automate product catalog integration for seamless updates
  • Implement retargeting campaigns to re-engage previous website visitors
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Facebook Marketing with BFJ

How much will it cost to advertise on Facebook?

It’s entirely up to you. Facebook ad costs can range from as little as $1 per month to anything over $10,000

Can I advertise on Facebook without a Facebook Store?

Yes you can. Your ads can direct traffic to your website, app, or any url that you choose, you don’t need a store.

Can I use my existing product feed for Facebook?

Yes you can. A product feed & catalogue can be setup using BFJ Digital’s tools so you don’t have to worry about products not being updated.